Women and girls in crisis need your help.

Bringing Resources to Aid Women’s Shelters distributes bras, undergarments, and menstrual products to communities in need, offering dignity and hope in uncertain times.

Our Values

These values are the foundation from which BRAWS - Bringing Resources to Aid Women’s Shelters - operates and interacts with others.

  • Belief that all people are worthy of dignity.

  • Knowledge that those we serve are deserving of the same empathy, empowerment, and care that we are

  • The conviction that change, improvement, and personal growth are achievable when one is provided investment and resources

  • Acting with passion, optimism, and joy in helping each other and the mission

Calling all Volunteers!

When you volunteer at BRAWS, you can make friends while making a difference!

NEW, virtual volunteer orientation May 15th, 12:30-1:00pm.

Email volunteer@braws.org to sign up!

Your support starts here

From our Amazon Wishlist to Annual Support, your gift matters.

Thank you to everyone who attended Mardi Bras 2024!

Thank You